MD of Opportunity No.17
MD of Opportunity No.17

LOCATION: Headquarters is located in the Hamlet of Wabasca
LAND AREA: 28,858 km2
POPULATION: 3,382 (2021)
COUNCIL: Reeve, Deputy Reeve + 9 Councillors
STAFF: 237 (176 FTE; 61 PTE)


The Municipal District of Opportunity No.17 is a municipal district occupying a remote area in central northern Alberta, north of the Town of Athabasca. Hamlets include: Calling Lake, Red Earth Creek, Sandy Lake, and Wabasca. Calling Lake Provincial Park in the South and North Wabasca Lake offer outdoor recreational opportunities all year round. The primary municipal office is lcoated in the Hamlet of Wabasca which is approximately 324 kms from Edmonton.



The M.D. is widely-known as The Land of Opportunity, but also for being a leader in sustainable development. The principles of environmentally-sound, socially- and culturally-responsible economic development are fundamental, as is the commitment to long-term municipal fiscal and financial sustainability.



Jobs, investment and increased local expenditure activity are the three primary goals to be pursued as the M.D. strives to build a more diversified and value-added economy within the region.

A priority will continue to be placed on maintaining reliable, high-quality municipal infrastructure and services – while also maintaining competitive municipal tax and regulatory frameworks.


The MD of Opportunity is located on Treaty 6 and Treaty 8 territory – the traditional lands of many First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples.