“Finding Strength in Unity”

Alberta North Central Alliance (ANCA), represents a commitment between five municipalities and four First Nations to build strong, enduring, and transparent inter-governmental relationships for the betterment of all peoples of the North Central Region.

“Finding Strength in Unity”

Alberta North Central Alliance (ANCA), represents a commitment between five municipalities and four First Nations to build strong, enduring, and transparent inter-governmental relationships for the betterment of all peoples of the North Central Region.

Who we are

We are a regional alliance serving over 40,000 people across 9 communities, including over 5,000 on reserve land, with a total land area of approx. 55,000km2.

Born from the success of the Tri-Council, the Alberta North Central Alliance (ANCA or the Alliance), established in 2021, represents a formalized and meaningful commitment between five municipalities and four First Nations to build strong, enduring, and transparent inter-governmental relationships for the betterment of all peoples of the North Central Region.

This relationship provides ANCA with a unique opportunity to identify and act upon opportunities that provide shared benefits across the region.

The MANDATE, VISION and VALUES for ANCA are derived from the already established ‘Governance Protocols’ document created in collaboration by the ANCA members


To build strong, enduring, transparent inter-governmental relationships for the betterment of all peoples of the Alberta North Central Region and to identify and act upon initiatives and opportunities that provide shared benefit.


To work together to identify and advance key regional interests with a strong, unified voice.


We commit to promoting, fostering, and embodying cooperation, collaboration, coordination, and communication in our relationships with each other and to base that relationship on the principal of mutual respect

Our Members

Meaningful commitment between five municipalities and four First Nations to
build strong, enduring, and transparent inter-governmental relationships for the betterment of all peoples of the North Central Region.

Big Lakes County

Town of Slave Lake

Sawridge First Nation

MD of Lesser Slave River

Sucker Creek First Nation

Bigstone Cree Nation

Town of High Prairie

Driftpile Cree Nation

MD of Opportunity

Swan River First Nation

“Each of us have a significant role to play in the success of our region and will ultimately share both the risk and reward of regional success or failure.”

Regional Themes

Across the North Central region, five shared regional themes emerged through the engagement and strategic planning process which served to frame a clear understanding of the key characteristics, opportunities and challenges common across ANCA member communities.

Regional themes are reflections from the collective voices across ANCA’s membership communities, and when viewed cohesively across the region, the stories and experiences of shared opportunities and challenges begin to inform clear goals and outcomes for each theme.


To satisfy the demand for housing through
the development of a local supply chain and workforce and enhance the provision of services to the most vulnerable populations.

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To provide adequate healthcare resources across the region through a committed and sustainable service model.

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To support the maintenance of strong transportation networks, the efficient movement of goods, reduced congestion, and improve road safety.

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Economic Development

To extend economic development opportunities across the region by reducing dependency on cyclical industries and realize benefits locally.

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To strengthen local access to professional and trades training programs for the retention and betterment of all basic regional service delivery.

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The ANCA looks forward to working with a variety of organizations and government officials in order to reach the objectives of the ANCA. If you can help us with our mandate, we look forward to hearing from you.